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How can you help?

You can join us , participates in our progams , can donate foods , money or energy.

Become a volunteer

Help can be offered by supporting services too. By contributing your exceptional time and putting in your courteous efforts we invite you heartily to be a part of the Helping Hands team. You become mindful of the small things that can impact society and benefit its people. Your efforts bring positive changes and make a difference in people’s lives. You become a role model for many individuals and communities who often lack opportunities and resources.

Make a gift

To show your care towards the needful people by adding in some personal effect, offering a gift by yourself is the best way. The warmth of handmade lunch boxes, or a set of art supplies, to donating clothing or anything that can come across your mind to bring a smile to the people waiting for your presence is appreciated. The thought of finding new dimensions of happiness in giving is what makes life.

Give a scholarship.

Scholarships are meant to be given to the most deserving students. There are many exceptional talents our country has stored, these voices are yet to be heard. By sponsoring a child's education you not only brighten their future but also education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world and the most effective way to break out of the cycle of poverty. For children to receive a quality education you can also provide books and other learning materials to children in need.